Content moderation in the age of DSA
The new European Digital Services Act provides an ambitious regulatory framework to face the digital transformation of the public space. The Act defines new obligations for digital platforms and aims to make the moderation policies of large online platforms more transparent and accountable. Is this new regulatory framework appropriate to solve the digital information disorder? The circulation of fake news, hate speech and the algorithmic amplification of unreliable content have deeply damaged the quality of public discussion. This conference aims to put into perspective the new environment the DSA is about to set up in the European context by bringing together researchers, regulatory actors and representatives of digital platforms.
Serge Abiteboul
Prabhat Agarwal
Christine Balagué
Romain Badouard
Manon Berriche
Constance Bommelaer de Leusse
Frédéric Bokobza
Dominique Boullier
Julia Cagé
Jean Cattan
Grazia Cecere
Celene Craig
Valentine Crosset
Bertrand du Marais
Séverine Dusollier
Jan Gerlag
Charles Girard
Robert Gorwa
Chris Gray
Rachel Griffin
Florence G’sell
Sergeï Guriev
Emeric Henry
Daphné Keller
Kevin Limonier
Benoit Loutrel
Inna Lyubareva
Patrick Maillé
Leïla Mörch
Sarah Nicole
Paolo Papotti
Sylvain Parasie
Jan Penfrat
Nathaniel Persily
Shaden Shabayek
Anne-Sophie Taillandier
Rebekah Tromble
Joris Van Hoboken
Clement Wolf
Célia Zolynski